Monday 28 April 2014

Task 4B (2)

[Written out on the 10/04/14, wasn't blogged until receiving permission from my SIG members' to be mentioned in this post.]

Within my SIG, Emma Price mentioned about her Inquiry topic being; "What are factors that go into managing a successful dance company"
All the comments given stated how this is far too broad a question. Mine is very similar to Emma's: 
'How to have a successful dance school/class?' Naturally I'm now starting to panic as mine is very broad. My pieces of literature in task 5D have given a lot of answers to this already, so how much further would I get with my research with such a broad question?

Natalie Martin's recent Inquiry topic;"What value does the use of music and movement have when, used by teachers, carrying out a learning activity and does this method enhance different aspects of a child's development within early years?" has got me thinking towards a more psychological theme. Maybe something more on the lines of weak abilities in children from the ages of 3-8.
There are children that I work with who struggle to take part in the lesson because they are too shy or too tired. This can get very frustrating as I actually don't know much about building children's individual weaknesses. This concerns my own abilities as a professional dancer and a dance teacher, and with my plans of setting up my own dance school in the future I would like to be able to help children who have difficulties in certain areas and not just to teach dance steps and technique. I'd like to be able to build up children's confidence in any aspect. 
I also teach some children who fall down easily, clumsy maybe, but maybe they have some kind of physical weakness?

I'm going to have a big rethink on my inquiry topic.

'Keeeeeeeeep blogging'

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