Sunday, 5 October 2014

Looking back at Reader 5 for Literature Review

Hi guys

So, trying to get my head around the appropriate ethics for using extracts from unpublished articles for my Literature review. I have gone back to Reader 5 to try and find answers.

I know we are to contact the 'Rights-holder', but how? Where would you find out who the rights-holder is and how to contact them?

Any links anyone can offer me would be very much appreciated.

Also, do we only contact the rights-owner for unpublished articles such as; Journals and other student's work?
Perhaps I've missed something from Reader 5?

Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. Citing the article or unpublished work is the convention in most cases - copyright is usually by the author - unless the rights holder was their place of work - so an organisation - the idea of informed consent is the one to go for in Reader 5 - also what are the ethical implications from your professional field - good luck reviewing good idea
